Thursday, August 4, 2011


  © Chime March 17, 2002

Unconscious and unaware I’ve been for so long
Head and heart buried in the sands of denial
Afraid to feel, connect to myself, was I wrong
Going through the motions of life
Defenses and masks sprouted like weeds
All in the name of protecting my need

To hide from the world of heartache and pain
At least, that’s what has kept myself sane
But who can relate to a robotic android
One who’s shallow, full of cliched responses
Only a similar creature, with corresponding features

Lacking depth, feelings, opinions, zombified
I’ve become rather daring and have begun sharing
Feelings, opinions and emotions with some
Exhilarating sensations are sending me reeling
Now alive with a novel sense of fun!

              ~                ~


I thought I'd change things up a little, here's one of my poems from nine years ago. I plan to tweak my presentation in how I show up in my world over the next little while.  By gum, something's got to happen, life can't get much worse .... I'll let you know how I get on.





  1. Cool. I didn't know you were a poet. :-)

  2. Cheers Sparkling Red! Stay tuned, there's plenty more where that came from! Sometimes I do get carried away with alliteration though. Chimin' in =:~)
